covered ca 5.5.21
The American Rescue Plan was allowed for amazing opportunities to extend financial help for consumers who enroll under the Covered CA platform. Consumers at ANY income level may now be eligible for financial assistance, allowing those who earn more than 400% of the Federal Poverty Level to be eligible for premium assistance for the first time. Uninsured consumers can now apply for benefits through Covered CA through December 31st, 2021. Consumers and non-consumers who have been on unemployment for one week or more during 2021 qualify for a $1 premium on the second silver plan available AND will qualify for the Silver Enhanced 94 plan.

Please see the link below to view an FAQ document with information regarding the new law, and to view the new Covered CA quoting system. For more information regarding the new plan, please contact Cynthia, our Individual and Family Plan Specialist. She can assist you with ALL Covered CA enrollments. She is certified and well versed in the Covered CA platform.